November Employee Spotlight: Mandy Lazenby

November 18, 2020

Mandy pic


Job Title

Kennel Manager

Brief description of what you do at PAWS

I oversee and schedule our kennel staff, ensure cleaning duties are completed, and provide guidance and assistance for staff/volunteers on care shifts 

Years with PAWS

2 years with PAWS

Your pets at home

Tia, a 9 year old Husky/Malamute/Chow Chow and fostering Gino, the 16 year old Dachshund

Thing I am most proud of about time at PAWS

Learning so much about properly caring for and medicating cats so that our volunteers and staff feel confident in coming to me for guidance and help in this area 

What you can usually be found doing outside of work (hobbies/interests)?

I love to go for walks/hikes, do fun and colorful makeup, and curl up with a cup and tea and watch my favorite TV shows

What is your perfect vacation? 

My perfect vacation would be a long road trip across the country visiting antique stores and other fun attractions