Group Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Centre County PAWS. We have numerous volunteer opportunities available for Groups and Organizations interested in volunteering with Centre County PAWS!

  • Group Fundraisers - Small fundraisers for PAWS are an incredible help to our animals and our facility. For example, a bake sale, car wash, or a donation drive can help us raise funds to feed and care for our animals. We are happy to provide you with any PAWS materials and wish lists that you may need.

    We encourage all groups who participate in fundraisers to designate where they would like their donation to go, for example: spay/neuter assistance, medical assistance, etc. If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser, please contact Chris Faust.
  • Maintenance/Landscaping - We are occasionally in need of group volunteers to help us maintain and update our facility. Typically, group volunteers will volunteer for a three-hour service day. Each group can volunteer for one day per semester. To inquire about available dates, please contact us at 

    A Note on Volunteering with the PAWS Animals - We understand that many organizations would like to volunteer together helping our animals. Due to our training requirements and need for long-term commitments, we are unable to accommodate groups seeking to care for the animals directly. We ensure that our group volunteer days involve a tour with some animal interaction to thank each group for their help. If your group is interested in volunteering with animals in the long-term, you may have group members sign up for our regular training classes.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Centre County PAWS! Any additional questions can be directed to