Planned Giving

Surviving Pet Care

Centre County PAWS is pleased to offer the Surviving Pet Care Program to our community. If you are no longer able to care for your pet(s) or if they should outlive you, PAWS will take your pet(s) and help find them a new, loving home. Enrolling in the program will ensure peace of mind for you and your beloved companion animal(s). For more information, please read our Surviving Pet Care brochure.

Golden PAW Society

The Golden PAW Society was created to honor a special group of people—donors who have chosen to include Centre County PAWS in their estate plans. Golden PAW Society members leave a lasting legacy for our cats and dogs by giving PAWS a special gift that will help us continue our work to find forever homes for our animals. Making a bequest in a will or trust is an important way to ensure that your personal wishes are honored. What better way to show your love of animals than to provide for their future? By remembering PAWS in your estate plans, you’ll be providing security to future generations of homeless cats and dogs. For more information, please read our Golden PAW Society brochure.