It’s been a little over two weeks since our friends at Pet Recovery of Centre County captured Pancake. He was running for days with another dog, whom (as of this blog posting) they are still hard at work trying to contain and bring to safety.
PAWS is proud of the care we provide dogs with behavioral needs, who would be hard pressed to find an adoptive home elsewhere. Our team provides these dogs the individual consideration they need to thrive. When we were contacted about Pancake, we suspected he needed a safe space to decompress and would likely benefit from having another, outgoing dog around.
He arrived at PAWS confused and clearly terrified of the unfamiliar surroundings - just what we anticipated. Our amazing dog care team worked with him for nearly two hours to get him fitted with a snug new collar, introduce him to his new foster dad and canine foster brother, and get him situated in the car. Little did he know this car ride would take him to his new foster home and that’s where magic happens.
How different can life in a foster home really be from life in a room at PAWS? We can let Pancake’s pictures below answer that question!

His foster dad allowed him time to decompress at his own pace and thankfully, In almost no time, he saw how good life can be. The foster home program PAWS has worked so hard to build seems to be working for another dog desperately in need. The unfortunate reality is that our foster network has expanded not just because of our community’s generosity, but also in response to a very real problem in the area - animal abandonment. Pancake is one of 15 dogs PAWS has taken in this year who was abandoned. You can read more about this in our most recent blog post here. No owner is looking for Pancake or his companion. They were simply left to fend for themselves.
It’s jarring to think about what would happen if Pet Recovery of Centre County were not available to us, or if our community of animal rescuers didn’t stand up and offer to help over and over again. If you are moved to support our work, we urge you to consider making a one time gift or to enroll in our PAWS Monthly Giving Program to ensure PAWS can continue to step in and help desperate animals in our community.