Dog Care Volunteer Training

Dogs living at PAWS need our help 365 days per year and how many dogs PAWS can help is directly related to how many regular Dog Care Volunteers we have. Dog Care Training goes over the basics of the entire dog side of PAWS including dog handling, volunteer and dog safety, feeding and basic cleaning. Care volunteers walk the dogs, handle feedings, complete dishes and laundry, have doggie play time, and complete general dog side tasks as needed to provide our dogs the best environment possible. You should have some dog experience and generally be comfortable around dogs of all size and temperament, including large dogs. 

Shifts Available

Care training allows you to work our AM/PM shifts as well as participate in PAWS special events. The average AM shifts run from about 8-11 am. The PM shifts run from 5:30-8:30 pm with the core shift running from 6-8 pm.

Dog Care Training Process

  • Part 1 - Watch our virtual training class. This is a playlist of videos that runs about 1 hour total.
  • Part 2 - Take our training class quiz. Once you've completed it and have scored at least an 8/10, email Russ at to move forward in the process. 
  • Part 3 - Complete a mentoring shift. Your in-person training consists of working with a more experienced Dog Care Volunteer in order to gain "hands on" experience. Please wear rugged close-toed shoes and a coat, if needed, since we are outside for part of the training, rain or shine! You can sign up for additional mentor shifts, or begin volunteering on your own once your mentor shift is complete. Available mentor shifts are available from 8-11 am and 6-8:30 pm. Pre-registration is required for all mentor shifts. You are not registered for a mentor session until you receive a confirmation email from PAWS.

Additional Information:

  • In order to maintain the highest level of safety, we are currently accepting only adult (18 yrs+) Dog Care volunteers.
  • Weekly (regular) volunteers get the most out of their volunteering and tend to form close relationships with the animals in our care and the other volunteers. We prioritize scheduling volunteers who can commit to at least weekly volunteer shifts.
  • If you are interested in volunteering for community service and are completing less than 30 volunteer hours, please visit our Community Service Volunteers page. We cannot accommodate requests for short term volunteering with the Dog Care option.
  • If you have special needs considerations, please visit our Special Needs Volunteers page.