Role at PAWS
When I am at PAWS I assist the Shift Leaders that may be making food or walking dogs. I am there to make sure the animals have a clean environment and are as happy as they can be. I also spend time loving and giving affection to the PAWS animals when I have the chance.
Time with PAWS
I have been at PAWS for a little over three months, and I have enjoyed almost every minute.
Your pets at home
I currently do not have any pets, but as soon as I can, I want to foster PAWS dogs!
Favorite thing about PAWS
My favorite thing about paws is that everyone communicates so things have the ability to go smoothly. Can’t forget about the dogs!
Favorite movie
My favorite movie is As Above So Below, I love horror movies.
What's the first concert you attended
The first concert I attended was Poison, But my favorite and most recent concert so far has been KIX.
Anything else fun or interesting people might be interested in learning about you
I own a horse and I have been riding since I was in elementary school.
I don’t take very many photos but my included picture has PAWS dog Rumble in it, so it is one of my favorites.