Date August 3, 2023 Event Time 12:30PM - 2:30PM Location 1401 Trout Rd, State College PA 16801 Name First Name Last Name Email Phone Number Are you over 18 years old? Yes No *This form may not be filled out by any individual under the age of 18. Please have your parent or guardian fill out this registration form. Do you currently live locally (In or near State College all year)? Yes No How long do you plan on living in the Centre Region? 1-4 months 5-12 months 1+ year Indefinitely Have you completed the Adult Volunteer Application online? Yes No *Please complete your online volunteer application here prior to registering for this training class: Are you an undergraduate student? YesNo I confirm I can commit to at least 30 hours of volunteering over the next year. Yes No If no, please explain what your volunteer goals are with PAWS Are you volunteering with any children between the ages of 13 through 17? Yes No *Each child must fill out a youth volunteer application here and fill out app portion listing all responsible adults prior to registering for this training class: Youth Name 1 First Last Youth 1 Age Youth Name 2 First Last Youth 2 Age Youth Name 3 First Last Youth 3 Age Are you taking this training with another adult? Yes No Please list the name(s) of adults you plan to take this training with: Any other comments or questions: Please select all times you would generally be available: weekends weekday mornings weekday evenings Submission is disabled for this form based on the information you have entered. Please see required fields above or email us at with any questions.