December Employee Spotlight: Alicia Starr

December 14, 2020
Masked staff person with brown tabby cat

Job Title

Event Manager

Brief description of what you do at PAWS

I am in charge of all fundraising and staff events (in person and virtual) at Centre County PAWS.

Years with PAWS

1 1/2. I started as a part time event assistant and moved to full time in June! 

Your pets at home

I have 2 playful pups named Bohemian and Oona, 4 crazy kitties named Hampton, Sir Jambothy, Wonton and Halloweena Binx and 6 happy hens! I am also currently fostering 3 PAWS cats. There is never a dull moment in our home!

Thing most proud of about time at PAWS

I am very proud of the Virtual Fur Ball that was held in October of this year. We had to reformat the event due to COVID restrictions and it was a very large undertaking. I learned a lot about the virtual event world and grew more as an event manager. I was so thrilled to see how the community responded and helped us succeed in our mission. 

Favorite thing about PAWS

Every single person who is a part of the PAWS family cares about the mission and the animals so much. It is incredible to be a part of something that is so special and rare. Centre County PAWS is a very bright light and being a part of it fills me with so much joy. I also love spending time with the animals at the shelter!

What you can usually be found doing outside of work (hobbies/interests)?

My husband and I love going on adventures. We have traveled across the country together and are always in search of new places to explore. You can also find me outside, reading a book and hanging out with my chickens!

What is your perfect vacation?

All-Inclusive resort on the beach with a good book! Also, I adore visiting Mexico.

Favorite book? Or read any good ones lately?

My favorite book is On the Road by Jack Kerouac. The most recent book that I read and loved was Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan.

Favorite movie? Or seen any good ones lately?

Forgetting Sarah Marshall is my all time favorite movie. It can always cheer me up and make me laugh.  A movie that I recently saw and loved was The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be?

If I could meet a fictional character, I would meet Gandalf from Lord of the Rings. I have so many questions!

What's the first concert you attended?

The first concert that I attended was No Doubt at the Bryce Jordan Center. I was in 8th grade and Gwen Stefani threw milk on the crowd. It was incredible!

Anything else fun or interesting people might be interested in learning about you?

My favorite flower is the Sunflower because it always faces the sun and that is how I try to live my life!