December Volunteer of the Month: Jeannette Macaluso

December 14, 2020

Jeannette, Ryan, and their dogs

When did you start volunteering at PAWS?

See that fluffy head in the photo to the right? Her name is Peyton we adopted her in February 2016 and she started my journey at PAWS. Don’t worry she is properly groomed now! We were lucky to adopt her and we were supposed to start fostering puppies that weekend, but instead we adopted her and then fostered puppies (about a month later). When I say we-I mean my husband, Ryan, and I. Peyton and her brother, Baxter, enjoyed playing with the puppies, but left the cleanup work up to us. In the summer of 2016 PAWS asked for a volunteer for their Instagram. It was Ryan that suggested I throw my hat into the ring since I loved posting for Baxter and Peyton and as they say the rest is history.

What jobs/roles have you performed at PAWS?

Instagram, puppy/dog foster, dog floor volunteer, member of the personnel committee, Sunday shift leader and cat foster.

What do you currently do as a volunteer?

Currently I still post to our Instagram-follow us, if you aren’t already @centrecopaws, co-shift leader  for our Sunday showings and i am a cat/kitten foster. I never knew I was a cat person, but just another perk of being a PAWS volunteer. 

Why do you volunteer at PAWS?

I do it for the animals we help, but I also do it for me. I have made some amazing friends at PAWS and even on the days I think I don’t have time to go in, I am always glad I do. I leave feeling better than when I arrived and that is because of the people and the way PAWS helps animals. 

When you're not at PAWS, what do you like to do with your time?

Spend as much time as possible with Ryan and our dogs: Baxter (10), Peyton (8), and Louie (5). I also spend my time watching tv-tv is amazing, going out to eat and enjoying our family beach vacations. That’s another benefit of fostering, I don’t have to worry about getting a cat sitter-I just tell PAWS we are off and they find our current cat/kitten another foster. The doodles travel with us-you should see their beach many curls!  

What do you like best about being a PAWS volunteer? What do you find to be the most rewarding?

I love being able to get all the kitten and puppy snuggles and puppy breath-it’s one of the perks of the job! Fostering is so rewarding, opening our home allows the animals to grow and thrive and then we can tell applicants all about their little personalities. It is also wonderful to see a family walk out of PAWS with their new best friend. I love when a family walks in on their first day and is able to adopt a puppy/dog, but those that come back two or three times are the really special ones. You are able to build a relationship with families and they are beyond appreciative when they finally find the right match! 

If someone asked you why they should volunteer at PAWS, what answer would you give? 

What are you waiting for? Listen, I was apprehensive at first as well. I had two amazing dogs at home why should I volunteer? Luckily I married a generous man that nudged me to do a little more. PAWS is a very big part of my life now, so I will forever be grateful for Peyton and for Ryan to knowing this is something I needed.  It doesn’t matter if you can volunteer 2 hours a month or 2 hours a week, we need you! PAWS has multiple areas and ways to volunteer and that is what makes it so special. Whether you are an animal person or a people person, PAWS has something for you! 

We often foster FeLV and FIV positive cats and kittens as we do not have another cat. These cats and kittens can take sometime to find their special home. This year we fostered a tiny kitten that was FeLV+, his name was Circuit and when we found out he was sick we took him outside to enjoy the sunshine. Notice Peyton was nearby. Unfortunately Circuit crossed the rainbow bridge after about a month in our home (his little body just couldn’t fight anymore), but he will forever be in my heart #circutcityfosterkitty️

Jeannette with Circuit