Have you lost or found an animal? Please fill out our Lost and Found Form and contact Pet Recovery of Centre County on Facebook.
If you have questions, please email us at lost_found@centrecountypaws.org.
What to Do If You Have Lost or Found a Pet
Advertise Online
When a pet is lost, every second is crucial. Posting online is one of the most effective, quickest ways you can get information out about your missing pet.
Pet Recovery of Centre County is the premier resource in the Centre Region for reuniting missing pets and their owners, so we recommend you contact them immediately. Check out their Facebook page to submit a lost or found pet notice or to search for possible sightings for lost pets.When submitting a notice for a lost/found pet to Pet Recovery, please include the following information:
Identifying features of pet (i.e. breed, color, age, size/weight, whether they have a collar/tags, whether they have a microchip)
Detailed information on where and when pet was lost or found, including town name and the name of the nearest intersection or landmark.
- At least one contact number so you can be reached with any updates
In addition, please refer to their Lost Pet Recovery Plans for the best tips on how to approach searching for a lost pet:
- Lost Dog Recovery Plan (Pet Recovery of Centre County)
- Lost Cat Recovery Plan (Pet Recovery of Centre County)
Online Resources You Can Contact:
- PAWS on Facebook
- Pet Recovery of Centre County
- Centre Daily Times
- State College.com
- WeAreCentralPA.com
- Petfinder - Lost and Found Dogs
- Petfinder - Lost and Found Cats
- Craigslist
Post Flyers
Flyers can often be posted at the following places:
- Vet Offices
- Grocery Stores
- Pet Stores
- Workplace
- Animal Shelters

Call Local Animal Shelters and Vet Offices
Place Newspaper Ad (most are free to post)
- Centre Daily Times: (814) 238-5000
- Bargain Sheet: (814) 278-1305
- Collegian: (814) 865-2531
- Clearfield Progress: (814) 765-5535
- Lock Haven Express: (570) 748-6791
Radio Announcements (free)
- 3WZ Petwatch: (814) 231-0953
- WBLF: (814) 272-1320
Local Municipalities
Police offices receive a large number of the "found animal" calls. Be certain to contact your local, non-emergency police immediately.
- Centre County Non-Emergency Police: (800) 479-0050 (request animal control)
- State College Borough Police: (814) 234-7150
- Bellefonte Borough: (814) 353-2320
- Milesburg Police: (814) 355-6711
- Harris Township: (814) 466-6228
- Benner Township: (814) 355-1419
- College Township: (814) 231-3021
- Ferguson/Patton Township: (800) 479-0050 (police number, request animal control)
- Spring Township: (814) 355-7543
- Boggs Township: (814) 355-3301
Search Tips
- Set out unwashed clothes near garage or porch
- Leave garage door open
- Search at dusk with flashlight under bushes - many cats stay close to home
- Visit the Center for Lost Pets online
- For lost cats, set live traps. PAWS has live cat and kitten traps available for rental. We ask for a $60 deposit that is returned to you once the trap is returned to PAWS. Learn how to set a live trap here.
What to do if your dog gets loose
Please refer to our training video to learn what to do if your dog gets loose while on a walk: