October Volunteer Spotlight: Sara Becker

Sara holding a cat in her arms, smiling.
October 16, 2023

How long have you been at PAWS?

I'm not exactly sure. I started volunteering while I was still in college, so over 20 years.

What's your favorite thing about PAWS?

I love that PAWS takes in animals that most rescues aren't equipped to help with. I love watching the medical team figure out how to help an animal that seems impossible and then getting to see that animal's happy ending adoption.

What's your favorite thing to do at PAWS?

I love working with the medical team. I started helping out holding animals for vaccines back before PAWS had a building and I've learned so much about animal medicine along the way. It's amazing to watch what TLC can do.

What are your favorite non-PAWS hobbies?

I have a ton of hobbies, but three of my favorites are playing/coaching a local sled hockey team (google paralympic sled hockey), playing in local music groups including the Little German Band, and anything that gets me outside near the water.

How long have you lived in Centre County?

I've lived in Centre County my whole life, starting in State College and now residing in Boalsburg.

What do you like to do in Centre County?

A little bit of everything! Hiking, kayaking, fly fishing, birding, going to hockey and football games!