August Employee Spotlight: Eliza Bishop

August 16, 2021

Eliza McCoy

Job Title

Kennel Assistant 

What you do at PAWS

I work on both the dog and cat sides and I love feeding and medicating the cats. I learn so much about them that way. On the dog side, I clean the kennels during 2nd walks and if needed I help walk during 1st walks. I also do random small things around the building that if it does not get done then it will become a big chore

Years with PAWS

I started in July of 2017 maybe it could be July of 2018, but I left in December of 2019 to go to school in Idaho and I came back in August 2021. So, Let's say I have been at PAWS for 2 years.

Your pets at home

I have the two best dogs in the world. Ashely the Beagle and McCoy the Mini Golden Doodle. Ashely is 13 and McCoy is 2 years old. These two are my world and I love them to the moon and back. Ashely has lost her eyesight and hearing in the past year or two, but when I came back from Idaho with McCoy he started to help Ashely out. He will help her when she gets lost. So in my mind, I have the world's best two dogs because they love each other so much all ready even with only living with each other for less than a month. 

Favorite thing about PAWS

I love how PAWS try to help every animal that they come across that needs help. Even if it is a new home to the owner needing help for food for their pets, PAWS tries to help. I think that is a great thing that happens at PAWS that most shelters do not do.

What you can usually be found doing outside of work?

You will see me out walking my dogs. Ashely cannot do long walks. She is happy doing a small 10-minute walk once a day and she is happy, but McCoy with his happy bubble energy he and I loves to go hiking or going to a park and just walking. He also loves it when I am studying and I read him my textbooks. If I am not outside then I am playing the piano. Do not tell anyone. It is a well-kept secret that I can play. 

Seen any good movies lately?

The first movie that my family made me sit down and watch when I got home from Idaho was to watch Ford VS Ferrari. I had my money for the most logical choice, but I guess I was wrong.