PAWS November Volunteer of the Month: Tess Crossen

Volunteer of the Month Tess Crossen
November 20, 2017

Meet Tess Crossen, our PAWS November Volunteer of the Month! Tess recently logged 1,500 hours to earn a feature on our blog and in our volunteer newsletter. We asked Tess to share a little about herself, and here's what she said

          How long have you been at PAWS?

I have been slithering around PAWS in a couple different capacities since 2011.  I started by adopting senior dogs to keep my little girl Marley feeling safe when I was not at home.  We had Maggie, Pam, and Bluma.  Maggie passed away during surgery, Pam decided that driving kitties to the point of madness was a great past-time, and Bluma wanted to eat Marley...Then along came Snoopy!  He slept on the bed all day, woke up for breakfast & dinner, and snored.  Marley was comforted.  I started fostering during PAWS BINGO when I was talked into taking Lil' Buster's sister, Sugar.  I have enjoyed fostering seniors since then.  I worked walking dogs, then as a floor volunteer, and now I am honored to be an Adoption Counselor and manage the dog-side of our website.  I love every minute of it!  I am grateful that you all have let me stay!

What's your favorite thing about PAWS?

I love getting to know all of the dogs and advocating for them as an Adoption Counselor and writing the doggie bios.  I feel that I am doing some good in the world when other things get me down. I have also made many friends here.  So many competent and caring stewards for the animals teach me more every shift.  I feel valuable because I can make stars of the animals.  When I lost Marley and Snoopy this year, so many PAWS people were comforting and come from a place of deep understanding.

What's your favorite thing to do at PAWS?

I really enjoy talking with children about how to care for and behave with their new family member.  I also get a kick out of "interviewing" dogs for their bios.  I want to try to find that little spark that is in all of them that makes them the perfect dog for that special someone.

What are your favorite non-PAWS hobbies?

I enjoy reading, hiking (though I haven't gotten to it for a while), playing with my puppy Scarlett, and spending time with friends young and old.  I adore my children & grandchildren and love visiting with them, spending time in their worlds.

 Where are you from?

We moved all over the place when I was growing up, but I graduated High School outside of Pittsburgh.  I came to Penn State to get my Bachelors degree and just never left.  It has been a great place to raise my girls.  They grew up with tremendous diversity and intellectual challenge.  They are fine women now and I am so proud of the adults that they have become.

What's your favorite movie?

My favorite movie of all time is "Sophie's Choice."  I also loved the experience of reading the book.  I like touching films about animals and I really like mysteries and good historical fiction (Gore Vidal).