PAWS Volunteer of the Month: Natalie Norman

Natalie Norman, PAWS Volunteer of the Month
August 7, 2016

Natalie Norman is our Volunteer of the Month! We asked her some questions about her time at PAWS.

When did you start volunteering at PAWS?

Erin and I started volunteering a couple months ago.

What jobs/roles have you performed at PAWS?

I help walk dogs, I do a lot of cleaning and kitchen work, I help with feeding, laundry, and I also help other people if they need an extra set of hands.

What do you currently do as a volunteer?

I help care for the dogs almost every Sunday morning.

Why do you volunteer at PAWS?

What made me start volunteering at PAWS started a couple months ago, I was helping my mom rescue a dog who came from a bad home and we took her straight to PAWS. We crossed our fingers and hoped she got in and she did. I loved the feeling I had afterwards knowing I helped give that dog a better future, and I wanted to continue to do it, so we asked the applications and got an information we needed.

When you're not at PAWS, what do you like to do with your time?

In my free time, I like to spend time with my own two dogs. We like to nap together, go for car rides, and their favorite thing is to go play with their friends at the dog park.

What do you like best about being a PAWS volunteer?

My favorite thing about helping at PAWS is I get to work with, and get to know a bunch of different dogs.

What do you find to be the most rewarding?

The thing I find most rewarding is I get to help an animal have a better life.

If someone asked you why they should volunteer at PAWS, what answer would you give?

It feels rewarding going home and knowing you did something good, and you're helping make their lives even better.