Pet Partner Testimonials - Malcolm

October 14, 2016

PAWS prides itself on our commitment to giving every animal in our care individual consideration. Sometimes that means we have dogs with special training and behavioral requirements. We pair them with volunteers called Pet Partners who train and spend time with them multiple times per week.

Let's be honest - these dogs can be challenging to place; some need to continue their behavioral training after adoption, others are not able to live with children or other animals, while some are simply terrified and need an immense amount of patience and encouragement. They are all diamonds in the rough, stuck waiting for the right person to look past their bad dog reputation and understand what they really need.

Meet Malcolm as described by his Pet Partner, Andrea.

Dog Info

Name – Malcolm

Age – 3 years

Breed - Coonhound/Poodle mix

Why you think this dog has been looked over for adoption so far – He's doesn't do well in the kennel environment. He has guards his kennel and the things in it. He is also very active and energetic.

Your dog’s favorite things – Chasing after tennis balls is by far his favorite thing. He also likes just sitting outside and rolling around in the grass.

Your dog’s most important special considerations – He gets a little too obsessed with his toys.

What kind of training have you done? I have mostly been spending time with and getting him to bond with me. He knows basic commands, (sit, shake and down,) so we like to run through those.

Human InfoAndrea, Pet Partner

Name - Andrea Carlson

Your favorite thing about your Pet Partner/what would you like people to know about your dog? He's a lot of fun and he's a really sweet dog!How long at PAWS - 1 year, 3 months